MIDI comping

Comp recording aka Comping allows to record several takes of a section and then select the best fragments for your track. Bitwig provides comping for audio tracks but not for midi tracks.

What problem(s) would this feature resolve?

Recording multiple takes on a midi keyboard or another controller manually articulated is tedious, especially if you are not a genius. It is much better to record multiple takes one after the other without having to start and stop the recording every time. And then just select the midi sections you are most happy about.

How does this feature fit in Bitwig as a product?

Bitwig introduced audio comping in 4.0. However, midi comping is still missing. From a musician or producer point of view, the difference is quite arbitrary because they might be recording with midi as much as audio or more.

In terms of UX (and possibly code), the building blocks are there thanks to audio comping.

Is there already an alternative way to achieve this on Bitwig?


Could it be implemented using Bitwig components or APIs, without Bitwig team’s support?


Could it be provided by an STV or something else reasonably integrated with Bitwig?


Are there other products that offer this feature?

Tracktion, Studio One, Cubase, Reaper, Sonar, Ardour.

Relevant links (optional)


2 posts were split to a new topic: [Draft discussion] MIDI comping

Implement comping of expression over an existing midi clip. This would allow the musician to concentrate on the original performance or use both hands then go back a number of times while building or editing the expression, pitch bend etc. This can be acheived automating Midi CC I believe but could make a nice addition to midi comping


Yes! This would be a heavily used feature by me. I look forward to it being implemented.

Thanks Bitwig guys!!!


I’m recording a drum part using a hybrid setup with a real hi hat but all other drums electric, so MIDI comping would be amazing right now!


If Bitwig implements MIDI comping, I will be leaving Ableton Live and use Bitwig exclusively.


Created an account to vote on this.

It seems very mundane, being able to do a bunch of takes, then save the best one.

I’m really looking forward to this feature.


nothing in v5…

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Yes!! MIDI Comping would be epic.
If they made it the same way they do it in logic would be great. or like track alternatives you can merge together or both.

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That would be THE feature for me right now. Yesterday I made a session with a friend. I played Bass in Audio comping mode and he played midi keys. We had to make a break and copy the whole loop 20 times in a row, that nothing of the recorded material goes lost. Not a very elegant and efficient way. I’m in demo mode now, but plan to buy Bitwig. Please don’t let me down with this feature :smiley:


MIDI comping, please!! Love the audio comp workflow, but I do a LOT more live MIDI recording than audio. I can adapt my MIDI workflow to audio takes as needed, but it would be awesome to have MIDI comping!

20+ year cubase user here - just made the switch after debating this for years. Did the trial version for 3 weeks and I’m sold – this is my new DAW, for sure, and the support offered by Bitwig is already lightyears… ahead of some other well-known brands that have frustrated me for a couple decades. Steiny should be knocked off their high horse, and I think this is the DAW to do it. Thank you!

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came here incredulous that this isn’t a thing. it makes no sense after so long that audio would have comping and midi not!

the workaround i found is using a session clip to make an endless recording while your loop is playing. at least it’s possible to record while looping without loss somehow.

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I have waited and ask and ask and waited and asked for midi comping, after about 2 years I went back to Cubase… happy there stellar midi comping (for ~20 years now) and most of all amazing (best) sounds quality… Bitwig keeps developing or focusing development of extraordinary, unusual features (I call them (almost) useless). Bitwig dev team have forget to work on the most basics; midi, professional sequencer and possibly most of all the sounds and fidelity of their audio engine (algorithms/processing). I love the fact that Bitwig exists but as is, I can not, and will not use it for anything but experimentation. Now days even that is getting tedious as the audio engine just can not reach the finnes and details of Cubase/Nuendo (32/64bit float).

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Ardour also has this feature.

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I’m a brand new Bitwig user - couple of weeks old - super surprised that midi comping isn’t here and found my way here to vote this in. The audio comping UI/UX looks pretty intuitive, just have to capture midi stream instead of audio stream. I would almost only use midi comping. Hope this comment helps bump the feature up on the roadmap.


New to Bitwig, love it so far! I was quite surprised that MIDI comping isn’t a thing. That would really help my workflow, I feel like it’s quite gimped without it:) Is this on the roadmap?


@maror We don’t know. If you miss this feature you can vote for it. :slight_smile: Everyone can contribute up to 10 votes to this community wishlist.

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I had the exact same experience; Bitwig looks good in all aspects i care about; user friendlyness, powerful features/concepts. I was just suprised not to find midi comping as part of the feature set. I do hope it will be added, anyone know if it is on the roadmap?

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Just moved from Reaper to Bitwig. Loved the audio comping in my trial. Assumed midi was similar. Got tracking my first project and quickly realized midi comping is a missing element of my primary recording and composing workflow.