Make Bar lines more prominent in the piano roll. It prevents getting lost editing notes.
Currently in piano roll, beat lines and bar lines are barely distinguishable. Making bar lines thicker or darker would improve visibility and productivity.
And I never had issues on the sequencer because I got changing backgrounds in FL Studio every 4 bars. When I look at the sequencer in Bitwig I like that I get thicker lines depending on the zoom, but they are barely noticable for me. This is how FL Studio looks (and I think in FL its customizable):
I strongly suggest that the title of this Feature request also becomes its content.
Meaning: that the wish for “Make Barlines more prominent” is not restricted to a specific area in bitwig, like the piano roll. Because each and every barline - everywhere, including the Clip-Launcher-View! - should be more prominent (or at least customizable to which extent it’s more prominent).
Concerning the Clip-Launcher-View i would add that a slight transparent coloring of the playing Clip, moving together with the playhead would greatly improve visibility of the play-status.
I also agree that the gridlines play an important role of play-head-orientation.
This is why i see this whole feature request as part of a “make the UI deeply customizable” request , but since the play-head visibility is the first thing to disturb many people, i really think it deserves this extra feature request here on its own.
@nowiamone Welcome to Bitwish. This request has obtained 40 votes as is, and making significant changes to it feels a bit like… cheating? I agree the title and the description are not consistent.
This is definitely something I would like to see, as Im using a 32" 4k screen on a monitor arm for ergonomics, and sometimes the grid lines are hard to read when I am a foot or 2 away from the screen. This makes my eyes strain a bit and I would appreciate the higher contrast. Thanks!
Yes, now there is a setting for the grid lines contrast and users can choose their preferred level between 0 and 100. Let’s mark this feature request as implemented!
Right now this is the 15th most voted feature, and 53 votes will be liberated.