Share your music made with Bitwig

Feature your music here! Just click the “New Topic” button and share your creations.

Any format and any style is welcome as long as it is made with Bitwig.

  • You can paste links to Soundcloud, Bandcamp, Youtube and other streaming services. If the link is alone in a single line, a player will be rendered automatically.
  • You can upload your unpublished OGG or MP3 files (there is a 4MB limit, which should be good for proofs of concept).
  • You can upload your Bitwig project files (.bwproject), if you want others to check your work, recycle it, mix it. Please clarify the license of the file and the contents if you do so.
  • You can embed or upload related artwork and pictures.

Tell us something about your music. For instance…

  • What was your motivation?
  • What details are you proud of?
  • Anything you struggled with?
  • Do you seek feedback about something specific?

After you publish your new topic, we encourage you to :heart:, upvote and comment on music shared by others. Contribute to make this a place of feedback, exchange and connections!