Bitwish project log 2024

For previous posts, see Bitwish project log 2023.

Audio to MIDI converter has caught Alias clips / Linked clips and now both are competing for the 4th position with 141 votes. Meanwhile, Theme / skin support keeps closing the distance, and maybe that will be the upcoming 4th…

For posterity, this was the ranking (and more or less the number of votes) by the end of 2023:

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Interesting “race”! Theme support has caught Audio to MIDi (both with 142) and it’s just 2 votes away from Alias Clips.

Welcome - SUPERBOOTH24 is in a month. I plan to print the list of Features and votes and give it in person to the Bitwig team. Just a symbolic gesture. :blush:

There isn’t much activity but new users and new votes keep coming, slowly and silently and continuously.

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I took a major software upgrade too lightly, got stuck, and had to revert installing a backup from Sunday. If you voted o commented in the last 48 hours, your vote/comment might be lost lost… Please check and vote/post again. I’m very sorry for this, and it is the first time that it happens after 2,5 years of Bitwish.

"Select / highlight the scale to work with on the piano roll " got its 100th vote!

There are two wishes with 99 votes: “Containers within the grid” and “Audio Random Acces (ARA2) support”.

“Containers within the grid” also has 100 votes now. Nice!

For posterity, this is how the ranking of top wishes looks like after Superbooth 2024 and Bitwig’s 10th anniversary:

Um has this site been abandoned? Did the admin lose their management interface or something? Its swimming in endless spam and none of it can be flagged as spam. RIP Bitwish?

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Hi @Milkman76, thank you for reporting the problem… and I’m very sorry I couldn’t revive Bitwish until today. The problem caught me just when I was starting a month out without my laptop, just with a mobile phone. A very unusual situation, since I normally spend my day in front of the screen and even on my days off I’ll check once or so.

I’m still not sure what happened. There was the biggest spam attack I have suffered in any project, but somehow the server went down as well, and I still don’t know how. Were the spammers, a collateral consequence of the spam attack or something unrelated happening at the same time. What is weird is that server backups from previous weeks wouldn’t work either. I restore them via mobile phone but they would also show a broken site. I decided to give up and enjoy my break. :person_shrugging:

Anyway, Bitwish is back now, and it is a good time to remind readers of this post about Admins and moderators welcome.

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Thanks for restoring the site! I was sad to see it flooded with spam and it looked like maybe you were locked out : /

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Based on the initial discussion on IMPORTANT: Let's decide the future of Bitwish, I have made some changes to start morphing the old Bitwish in a general forum for the Bitwig community:

  • The main page now points to the “Hot” sorting for everyone. Before it was the wishlist features for anonymous users, and Latest for logged in users. The Hot page shows where is conversation and/or :heart:s, and tries to show what is relevant at the top. This ensures that new users get always a good selection of what the forum has to offer. Logged in users will keep seeing links for New and Unread topics. If you wish, you can set Latest by default in your preferences.
  • There is a General category for any Bitwig related topic. It’s a safe start while we discuss which specific categories want, if any. This means that anyone can create a topic about anything related to Bitwig. I still need to update the documentation to reflect this.
  • The “Features” category is now called Community Wishlist, and people can create topics there directly. I still need to get rid of Drafts, after moving the valid wishes to the Wishlist and updating the documentation.
  • Presets & Clips is now visible by default. Only the topics receiving a comment or a :heart: will make it to the Hot homepage, so it’s ok if the new topics automatically imported from Bitwiggers outnumbers the rest.

I won’t touch Music or Bitwig Video Guide until we decide what to do with them.

Ah, I have also updated Discourse to the last version. For this I had to pull the site for about 20 minutes.

According to Google, these were the top growing pages in November:

  1. Looper & Live-Looping Functions by @nowiamone
  2. Audio Random Access (ARA2) support by @lairyboy
  3. Support MIDI SysEx at the device / track level by @hockinsk

And these ones the most visited:

  1. (main page)
  2. Theme / skin support by @funky
  3. Audio to MIDI converter by @andrei_olenev

Top growing queries bringing visitors:

  1. lndwin7 (??? this string doesn’t even exist here)
  2. bitwig audio to midi
  3. bitwig autotune

Top queries bringing visitors:

  1. bitwish
  2. bitwig audio to midi
  3. bitwig skins

The creation of new accounts is moderated until further notive due to an intense spam/vandalism attack in the past hours, preceded by increasing spam/vandalism in the past days, always from new accounts.

It’s sad but it is what it is. I’m a sole admin (new admins are always welcome!) and deleting pointless spam/vandalism messages is boring.

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