A tempo follower device capable of adjusting the tempo to an incoming audio or midi signal. It main use would be to adjust tempo in real time when performing live with a band. This way the tempo could be adjusted to the rhythm of an incoming instrument like a bass or a kick.
What problem(s) would this feature resolve?
Adjusting the tempo of a project on the fly is not easy, even less during a live performance.
How does this feature fit in Bitwig as a product?
“Bitwig Studio is built for live performance, let your music flow, always on the beat.” This feature would make this statement true when the beat is defined by a human and not by the clock.
Is there already an alternative way to achieve this on Bitwig?
Well bitwig has already been updated to do this with midi at the time of me seeing this, but if you want the bpm of incoming audio, this itallian plugin can detect chords and bpm of incoming audio and the standalone version of the plugin will send that bpm back into bitwig
However, if you want the tempo automation saved as a tempo map, then you may need to use something like Bome Midi Translator Pro, and script the rules in logarithmic boolean, or ask me for my script. But if your cpu can’t handle all that at once then an affordable hardware fix is Midi Solutions makes a midi signal converter box that will take the midi tempo and convert and send it back out at a tap tempo, which you then have to map in the settings row “shortcut” and the tab “controller mapping” on that page. because if you map a tap tempo from anywhere else in the software as of now version 5.2 beta, it will function as a recall 1 tempo function instead of a tap tempo function.