A spectral resynthesis Grid module, with a suite of spectral effects to modify the partials of the resynthesized audio.
The general idea of this is that audio would be analyzed (Fast Fourier Transform, FFT) and converted into a series of partials that represent that sound. Those partials could then be modified to achieve different types of effects.
Common spectral effects are: freeze, blur, stretch, and shift. Many other types of effects are possible as well. Like additive synthesis, common effects, like filters, compressors, and reverbs are all possible by modifying the partials of the audio.
Spectral effects have a unique sound. For example, time spectral time stretching is different sounding than granular stretching, and can achieve very wild timbres.
What problem(s) would this feature resolve?
Bitwig users looking for the characteristic sounds and effects of spectral resynthesis have to rely on third party products.
If Additive synthesis in The Grid is implemented, it should be taken into account that many additive synths (Loom, Harmor, Razor) allow for resynthesis to be the sound source. Even without additive synthesis, spectral effects are very powerful sound design tools.
How does this feature fit in Bitwig as a product?
Bitwig is known for being a powerful sound design platform. The addition of spectral effects would open up more possibilities in The Grid.
Is there already an alternative way to achieve this on Bitwig?
The Vocoder works similary.
Basic resynthesizers can be developed with The Grid. See for instance Bitwig Preset: Audio Resynthesizer 1.11.
Could it be implemented using Bitwig components or APIs, without Bitwig team’s support?
Could it be provided by a VST or something else reasonably integrated with Bitwig?
There are a handful of spectral effect plugins. Unfiltered Audio SpecOps is probably the best known currently. GRM tools has been doing it for a long time. AudioThing - Frostbite is another one. Melda has some spectral effects. There is a bundle of spectral fx blocks in Reaktor Blocks (by Salamanderanagram). There are Spectral effects in other modular environments, like Max4live and Kyma. There are also a few Eurorack modules, such as the Panharmonum, by Rossum Electro.
Are there other products that offer this feature?
All the programs mentioned above, and more