Global search for browser

It would be great to have a global search in Bitwig’s browser panel, so the user can search everything at once including presets, devices, audio files, etc.

As an example, searching for “Polysynth”, “Chorus” or “ParSeq-8” would bring a list of results including presets including these devices and modulators.

What problem(s) would this feature resolve?

How does this feature fit in Bitwig as a product?

Bitwig’s browser is already very good. Global search builds upon it.

Is there already an alternative way to achieve this on Bitwig?


Could it be implemented using Bitwig components or APIs, without Bitwig team’s support?


Could it be provided by a VST or something else reasonably integrated with Bitwig?


Are there other products that offer this feature?

Ableton Live

Relevant links (optional)

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12 posts were split to a new topic: [Draft discussion] Global search for browser

@here Bitwig 5 comes with a new browser, and it includes global search:

With a growing number of file types, having all results in one list is just better

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