What is this feature about?
This modulator would function similarly to Massive or Spire. In summary, it is similar to a MSEG but with a menu of predetermined modulation curves per step. It is more limited than an MSEG, but they are fun and quick to work with.
In addition to a menu of curves per step, these types of modulators usually have the option of 1 to 4 repeats per step. Another nice addition is being able to tie steps together. And, one more cool addition, that NI introduced in Massive X, is the option to shift/squeeze/stretch the modulation sequence, similarly to how you can shift the repeats on the Bitwig 4 note repeat operator.
So, to sum it up, A stepper modulator would be just another fun modulator device within Bitwig. The NI Stepper really influenced the sound of a lot of electronic music, especially bass music, when it was initially released. I think that for a lot of producers who are used to them, they are a fun and inspiring way to work with modulation.
What problem(s) would this feature resolve?
It doesn’t resolve a problem, but is just a nice addition
How does this feature fit in Bitwig as a product?
It adds another type of common modulator to the modulation system
Is there already an alternative way to achieve this on Bitwig?
You can route the “curve modulator” in from Reaktor Blocks, but the idea is to have one included in Bitwig’s internal modulation system.
Could it be implemented using Bitwig components or APIs, without Bitwig team’s support?
Could it be provided by a VST or somethingelse reasonably integrated with Bitwig?
The “Curve Sequencer” in Reaktor Blocks
Are there other products that offer this feature?
Several synths do. Like I mentioned before, the most popular of those are Massive and Spire. Melda’s MsoundFactory also has one build into it’s LFO.
Relevant links (optional)
- Using Reaktor’s “Blocks” MSEG (tutorial by @andrei_olenev) How to use Reaktor Blocks multistage envelope generators in The Grid to modulate anything in Bitwig. - YouTube