None? I guess I misunderstood a previous comment you posted, as in saying that let’s keep the monthly thread only for now.
I’ll go back to the template you suggested and propose something using it.
None? I guess I misunderstood a previous comment you posted, as in saying that let’s keep the monthly thread only for now.
I’ll go back to the template you suggested and propose something using it.
Yes, I meant let’s just let the people do whatever they want and see what kind of posts are made and then go from there.
What about this text as placeholder for whoever is going to create a new topic. We could have it on About the Music category as well:
Feature your music here! Any format and any style is welcome as long as it is made with Bitwig.
You can paste links to Soundcloud, Bandcamp, Youtube and other streaming services. If the link is alone in a single line, a player will be rendered automatically.
You can also upload your Bitwig project files (.bwproject
), if you want others to check your work, recycle it, mix it. Please clarify the license of the file and the contents if you do so.
Tell us something about your music. For instance…
After you publish your new topic, we encourage you to , upvote and comment on music shared by others. Contribute to make this a place of feedback, exchange and connections!
Also, what about letting people to upload mp3 files, in case they haven’t published them anywhere else?
I think that’s a good format for the music category and I like your text for the “About the Music category” post.
Being able to upload mp3s here would be pretty cool, I think, if you want to discuss ideas or WIPs you’re not ready to publish yet. Although user uploads always pose a security risk, so I also understand if you decide against it
Thank you! I have added the possibility to upload OGG and MP3 files: Share your music made with Bitwig.
And we’re on! Now comes the difficult task of breaking another layer of ice…
It’s probably going to take some time for activity to ramp up. I hope I’ll be able to post something soon.
About this, I have change two things:
If you can, I really would welcome a second person commenting on published tracks. So far I am basically the only one and it feels awkward every time I post a new comment (but silence feels more awkward, so I keep posting one step at a time, hoping that someone else will chime in.
I stopped paying attention after so many songs were posted without context, but it looks like that’s changed. Thanks for the reminder
Is there a way to sort this thread with newest posts first?
This is an experiment discussed here. First time here? We are collecting music made with Bitwig and published this month. You can post new entries, listen,entries, upvote them, and (most importantly!) comment on them. If you have published music made with Bitwig Post the link in a “New entry”. Add the name of the creator(s) and the title of the track. Your motivations and thoughts are welcome! (optional) Press “Reply”.
I don’t think there is any way to sort that topic other than by number of votes, and then by oldest first within entries with the same number of votes. I have checked the plugin discussion and I am not finding any mention.
Even if we would get rid of the plugin and use a plain topic, most recent comments would be last, not first.
I guess you are asking because as the topic grows with entries and comments within entries, it becomes more difficult to ensure that you aren’t missing new comments? It’s a good point. I’ll ask upstream.
I guess you are asking because as the topic grows with entries and comments within entries, it becomes more difficult to ensure that you aren’t missing new comments? It’s a good point. I’ll ask upstream.
Yes, if there’s a new entry, you have to scroll quite a lot by now. And if the new entry gets upvoted, it’s even more difficult to find.
Even if we would get rid of the plugin and use a plain topic, most recent comments would be last, not first.
But then new entries would be easier to find at least.
Now you can add to your profile your artist URLs on Bandcamp, Soundcloud, Spotify, and YouTube. For a dummy example, you can click my own avatar.
This is useful in itself and fits with the idea of improving user profiles. It could also be a first step for discussions and connections between creators using the same platforms to publish their music. We could create topics like “Bitwiggers on Bandcamp”. We could have badges and/or groups for creators using i.e Bandcamp. All this would make it easier to find and feature these creators and their music, and improve their connections with other peers.
What do you think?