It would be nice to have a dedicated “sequential switch” module in The Grid. Something like an 8x8 grid (preferably adjustable via the device inspector) with inputs and outputs. If, for example there is an 8x8 grid of squares, highlighting one of the squares would make the connection.
And we could have modulation inputs for shifting the matrix via x and y, as well as inputs to shift the individual rows of the matrix. Or another cool way to use it would be if we could save snapshots and sequence/modulate between them.
The split and merge modules can already be used to make sequential switches, but I just think a simple to use grid of squares with customizable size and corresponding ins and outs, with the ability to shift the modulations via xy, as well as save and sequence between snapshots, would be nice.
What problem(s) would this feature resolve?
Improved method for sequential switches over the split and merge modules and/or logic.
How does this feature fit in Bitwig as a product?
sequential switches such as the WMD sequential switch in Eurorack, or the VCV rack Router in VCV rack, are useful modules in modular setups, and would just be a nice addition.
Is there already an alternative way to achieve this on Bitwig?
You can build sequential switches with the split and merge modules, or with logic, or using a combination of both. But, to get one with a good usable x/y matrix requires a lot of connections, and is very clunky compared to what we would get with a dedicated xy sequential switch. And, a dedicated one would be much simpler to use and could have more features than are possible with one built in the Grid.
For an example, see
Could it be implemented using Bitwig components or APIs, without Bitwig team’s support?
Could it be provided by a VST or something else reasonably integrated with Bitwig?
VCV rack has a nice one, called the VCV rack router. You could send multiple outs to it using the dc offset technique, and route the ins into audio sidechains, but it is tedious.
Are there other products that offer this feature?
Here are a few Eurorack examples:
WMD sequential switch matrix
Aleseum Matrix 2
sssr labs SM010 Matrixarchate
livestock electronics Maze
and again, here is a VCV rack example: VCV rack router