[Draft discussion] Individual MIDI clip export

This is a nice idea, thanks for filling in the template :slight_smile: Do you think that the naming issue should be a separate feature request or do you see these as linked?

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I’m not totally sure, but I think they are linked. I suspect that the reason the midi clip’s file name doesn’t appear in Bitwig is because of the way it exports it. The clip is considered to be part of this larger project midi file, so I think that it thinks of the Midi file’s name as associated with the project, not the individual clip. I could be wrong though, but that’s what I think is happening. So, I think if we just had the option of right clicking on a midi clip and exporting it (like in Ableton), than everything should just work.

Makes sense, thanks for explaining. Ok lets give this 24 hours for any further discussions and edits

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I’ll change the description, so it is more clear why those are related.

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Thank you, that does clear it up :slight_smile:

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