Collaborated effort on making mockups

This is not related to specific feature request, but rather I would like to discuss ways to make mockups for feature requests easier to make for everyone.

Personally I’ve used either Figma or Photoshop for those, depending on amount of works needs to be done. But I think it would be a good idea to re-create many existing UI elements in shared Figma project, so we can even make them interactive with folding panels, knobs moving etc.

So, anyone familiar with Figma or other prototyping/design tool (preferably one that can be used for free) and eager to help?

Here’s my little snippet with ideas I’ve laid out so far
keep in mind, that I’ve only started learning Figma specifically when I wanted to try prototyping mockups for Bitwig, so I haven’t made proper use of it yet.

Also, you can find relevant fonts in Bitwig’s installation folder:


just added a page for mockups related to device panel and re-created Polysynth in vector, added a snapshot icon for feature request (changed it up a bit, so it looks more recognizable in smallest scale)


I’ve duplicated that project to allow anyone edit and participate as I realised in view mode you can’t even copy from it

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gonna need that to demonstrate snapshot mappings, etc :grinning:
also now everyone can use it for assets like knobs and icons.

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by the way, it came to my attention that I completely forgot about UI icons already available in SVG right here:

gonna use these now instead of ones I drew myself :joy: it wasn’t hard to do, just unnecessary.

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This is an interesting finding. Bitwig the software has an interesting approach to close / open / API-accessible. It would be nice to learn more about the rationale behind these decisions, if only out of curiosity.