Bitwish Instagram account

We have a Bitwish Twitter account, and we have been promoting Bitwish on KVR and Reddit. Promotion on Instagram would help us reach other Bitwig users not using these channels.

What do you think? Any Instagram users around?

I think it’s probably a good idea but to be honest I don’t use instagram because I don’t really understand it. Did you have a particular use case in mind?

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14.1K followers of the Bitwig account, a #bitwig hashtag with decent amount of activity, and a follower recommendation algorthm that I find pretty smart at showing up in the screens of those who might be curious (if only for a moment) about you.

I’ll give it a shot this weekend if nobody jumps before me.

The follower count on Twitter is similar and the #bitwig hashtag seem to be in use also. I suppose the question is, do we have a reason to think that the demographic is different on instagram and if so do we stand to gain by hitting both platforms? Another thought, do you know if there are any plugins for Discourse which would allow automatic crossposting? If so then we could perhaps have a staff-only category which will automatically crosspost any topics to twitter/insta/fb/etc

Yeah, I have been thinking more about this. I don’t have any evidence and whatever I say is based on anecdotal perceptions. I have the impression that Instagram offers more gender and regional diversity, which is something that so far we are missing here. Of course we are limited by the demographics of Bitwig customers + the choice for English only, so in the end I’m not sure it would make much of a difference.

Another point is that text-based tweeting takes way less effort than media-centered Instagram posts. Posting regularly on Instagram takes time, and if it is not done by someone who is already using Instagram it takes even more.

This is why I had kind of decided that I will leave it sit here. If a volunteer appears that is motivated to promote Bitwish on Instagram, then by all means let’s do it. Otherwise, it can wait.