Bitwiggers is the place to share Bitwig Presets and Clips. Bitwish is a new space of collaboration to build a Bitwig Community Wishlist and more. We are combining efforts to provide a space for creators and users of Bitwig presets and clips.
What’s new
All presets and clips hosted in Bitwiggers can be liked and discussed in a new space on Bitwish. The comments appear also in the respective pages on Bitwiggers, in real time. Try it out!
All Bitwiggers creators and users are invited to join the space on Bitwish, to meet and collaborate. Any suggestions and requests about Bitwiggers are welcome. What ideas do you have?
What stays the same keeps all its functionality intact. The process to upload and publish presets and clips hasn’t changed. User reviews in Bitwiggers also remain untouched.
Bitwish is based on Discourse, a powerful open source platform used by many communities. Bitwish shared recently a short-term roadmap combining the Community Wishlist and the Presets & Clips with other proposals currently lacking in the Bitwig community.