Theme / skin support

Please let’s not make assumptions about what the Bitwig team thinks or does.

That’s the Bitwish attitude! :slight_smile: This request is the 6th most popular here, just a few votes behind Audio to MIDI converter. :wink:

certainly was for me… At least it’s a dark theme

I would think that some cleanup on that default.theme file with inheritance (whatever the underlying framework allows) would already solve 90% of the issues for most.

Also, I don’t want major change, but the orange and 20-shades-of-grey looks just very dated and was something I used to run for terminal emulations ~10 years ago.

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Strong yes-vote! It is not a frivolous extra, but a light and high contrast theme is critical to using Bitwig in bright environments.

Sunny days outdoors and in a garden room are my favorite places to write. Even with contrast set to max it is difficult to see what is on the screen in Bitwig in those conditions.

No issues with bright themes in other software, so this will drives me back to Ableton use :frowning:

Now it’s in the 5th position and two votes away from the 4th. :slight_smile: See Features.

Not completely irrelevant to theming, but has anyone else come across Cirrhoz’s Bitwig Studio Refurbished article?

It’s an almost 2-year old post at this point, but since Bitwig’s UI hasn’t changed all that much in the last 10 years, it definitely points out some of Bitwig’s design inconsistencies (padding, choice of color and contrast, redundancies in UX and pointless contextual menus) and offers a beautiful UI/UX refreshment proposal, but without taking away Bitwig’s character and layout.

Of course being his first and only post, some very few redesigned features definitely need some tweaking, but I personally love 97% of what was presented in this blog post.

It was also posted on Reddit at the time and was met with extremely positive reception. It seems to have been forgotten about since then, so I just wanted to get the ball rolling again and give Cirrhoz the acknowledgment he deserves for his stellar work.

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Although it is interesting to note that such extensive review of design and UI elements doesn’t mention custom themes at all. :slight_smile:

New possibilities for customizing the Bitwig UI. Not theming, not official, probably very limited possibilities depending on the OS… but something to hopefully bring the theming discussion to the next level.