Hello everybody, i would like if there was an option to save default presets for single modules in the Grid, and also when dropping a sample on a Drum Machine or a new track, i think it would help people speed up their workflows.
What problem(s) would this feature resolve?
My annoyances with Bitwig right now.
How does this feature fit in Bitwig as a product?
It improves the product by adding quality of life things.
Is there already an alternative way to achieve this on Bitwig?
Could it be implemented using Bitwig components or APIs, without Bitwig team’s support?
I don’t think so.
Could it be provided by a VST or something else reasonably integrated with Bitwig?
Are there other products that offer this feature?
A lot of them have the same problems, and have workarounds, the only other program that comes to mind that has the possibility to have sefault samplers when dropping samples on a Drum Rack is Ableton Live.
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