Options to show audio sample or midi clip in browser or in explorer if it was dragged in from somewhere
What problem(s) would this feature resolve?
have to go through all folders when you click out of the one you grabbed it from
How does this feature fit in Bitwig as a product?
product? no
Is there already an alternative way to achieve this on Bitwig?
not that i know of
Could it be implemented using Bitwig components or APIs, without Bitwig team’s support?
not sure?
Could it be provided by a VST or something else reasonably integrated with Bitwig?
if you are using a third party app for sample browsing, then probably
Are there other products that offer this feature?
ableton live
Relevant links (optional)
Having an option to “open in browser” when you right click on a clip would be very useful.
For example if you have folders with samples for different drum kits, and you search for “Snare” or something and find a nice snare sample that fits and then want to quickly check out the other sounds from that kit.
At the moment you can only open the sample location in explorer, but there you can’t listen to the samples like in bitwig’s browser.
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At the moment there is option to list all used samples in the project.
I like the idea to list all used clips too - with maybe some managing options like rename, change color, edit accessible directly from the list view.
When you are using clips just like building blocks such functionality would be really appreciated as you can prepare your blocks and then place them in the Arranger.
You can use at the moment clips launcher for that, but you do not get a list view.
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@here Checking this request with Bitwig 5 Beta 6. Right-click on an audio event there is a “Reveal File” option that shows the file in the computer browser (not the Bitwig browser). This is common to the Arranger and the Clip Launcher.
This works only for audio samples. As far as I can see, note clips simply drop the notes and that’s it, there is no “reveal”.
Is this good enough to fulfill this request?