A user preference setting that would set the default behavior when inserting a new device in the devices panel. Currently, when adding a device, it is the standard ‘square’, displaying the top setting knobs. It would be very cool to have a setting that would, by default, insert a new device in the device panel in its most compact (collapsed) format.
What problem(s) would this feature resolve?
It would ease the use of 3rd party plugins when the supplied interface is used directly, and make it easier to access various FX in the panel without scrolling.
How does this feature fit in Bitwig as a product?
Bitwig pays attention to settings for UX customization.
Is there already an alternative way to achieve this on Bitwig?
Yes, manually collapsing every new/existing device entry by double-clicking on it and optionally selecting the right-click option “Save as default preset” so that every time that specific device is loaded, it’s already collapsed.
Could it be implemented using Bitwig components or APIs, without the Bitwig team’s support?
Could it be provided by a VST or something else reasonably integrated with Bitwig?
Are there other products that offer this feature?