Do you use dual display?

I got a monitor from a relative for free and I thought I could use it for more comfortable music production. I’m still trying different setups.

For instance, I’m using more the “exploded” views of the Spectrum Analyzer and EQ+ now that I can open them in a different window without getting in the way of the arranger.

I’m trying the different dual modes offered in the settings. Maybe I’ll stick with the arranger/mixer but I dunno yet. Maybe I stick with one display and use the other one to open additional windows, plugins, and other apps like a browser etc.

Curious how you use Bitwig with dual display, and whether you have any suggestions.

I wish there was ability to select different tracks on each window, to have device chains for different tracks opened at the same time, although I guess that’s tricky on controller part, but really if automap simply focused on last selected device, then there’s no problem. on the other hand, I’d like a panel with multi-lane device chains for different tracks, or for nested chains.

without those features, so far I think dual display is most useful when using Grid

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