Curves for midi controller cc implementation

I think it would be a good idea to use curves for the MIDI mapping. I have an accelerometer, which I can map to all the normal controls in Bitwig using CCs (it is a Wii Nanchuck). But 0% is pointing at the floor and 100% is pointing at the ceiling, basically 0 to 180 degrees. It would be good to use a curve to regulate this from 70 to 140 for example. At the moment I am using the Relative Bin Offset setting in the Mappings Panel but this is a bit abrupt and not easy to control delicately.
There is a device in Ableton Max for live, which is the Multimapper32MIDI. I don’t know if this is possible in Bitwig, but it would certainly be nice if it was. - an example of what I want to do.

this is an old post, but it was in wrong cateogry. I take it, this was a feature request draft? either way, you can either use Transfer on CC signal in Grid, or map through Curve modulator in Hold mode with no smoothing.