Bitwig Preset Stereoizer
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
Well yeah I had to break my brain watching the behavior of sound in the oscilloscope after the iZotope imager. It looks very interesting if you output the left and right channels in the oscilloscope after the square wave from the Test Tone plug-in.
Also interesting: Bitwig Preset: Wider (via this discussion)
Yes, I tried the Polarity preset. And it seemed to me very node-heavy, which is not very good for performance, which I consider very important. He also writes about one All-Pass. But this All-Pass is only needed to make a bigger difference between the right and left channels, if necessary. This difference partially removes mono compatibility, but enhances the difference in stereo. + All-Pass is bound to the Flow parameter, which also allows it to move. A large number of All-Pass filters are not necessary.