Bitwig Preset: Shermanik Filtration v1.2.7

Bitwig Preset Shermanik Filtration v1.2.7

A loving interpretation of the Sherman Filterbank 2 implimented in the Bitwig Grid. Now with BonkWave! WARNING: Extreme Frequencies and Amplitudes!!! See fxGrid for notes. Visit

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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I haven’t used the original Sherman Filterbank 2 so I can’t compare, but at least it is clear that a lot of work went into this preset, and it foes bring grit and an attitude to any sounds.

Have you considered to roughly emulate the original product UI with Macro modulators? It roughly has everything organized in three rows, like Bitwig’s modulators…

Thank you for listening!

Bitwig Preset Shermanik Filtration v1.2.6

A loving interpretation of the Sherman Filterbank 2 implimented in the Bitwig Grid. Now with BonkWave! WARNING: Extreme Frequencies and Amplitudes!!! See fxGrid for notes. Visit

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

(Sorry, I have messed up things by trying to merge topics from different versions of the same preset. Lesson learned.)

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No dramas. This is my first time logging into, so it’s a new environment. I hope the latest version proves to be satisfying and fun to work with.

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I’ve just uploaded version 2 which was rebuilt with Bitwig Studio 4.0 so more people can play with it.