Ability to Export Mono Tracks

What problem(s) would this feature resolve?

I work on Video Game post production and often times I need a mono file, also waveforms in Bitwig have to be mono wav files. Bitwig has no way to export a mono file of any kind. and you just released version 5.2 with new plugins?!?!?!? Do you even want professionals using your software?

How does this feature fit in Bitwig as a product?

Well anyone who would want to use this program for professional post production may use another daw because LITERALLY EVERY OTHER DAW ALREADY HAS THIS FEATURE (See relevant Links for evidence) and also I could make my own wave-forms in the your DAW which is also limited to only run mono wav files as waveforms. Having to use an audio converter after the bounce is a lot of time added to a regular workflow and a pain in the butt, which is what I have to do if I want to use Bitwig for that type of work. And if this basic DAW feature that literally every other DAW offers, even audacity, isn’t added within the year of my support plan, I will be using a different DAW all together.

Is there already an alternative way to achieve this on Bitwig?

No! Which is legitimately ridiculous since your already on version 5.2.

Could it be implemented using Bitwig components or APIs, without Bitwig team’s support?

I’m not sure, I’m not a software engineer, I’m an audio engineer and I will not continue to use this program unless this feature is added, it’s a serious lack of basic features.

Could it be provided by a VST or something else reasonably integrated with Bitwig?

No! You should have already added this.

Are there other products that offer this feature?

yes basically every other daw or audio software for the most part, I use protools for this, even free audacity will do this, so you have some audacity to not have added this feature yet.

Relevant links (optional)

here are links on how to do this with literally every other DAW in existence including free ones. YOU ARE THE ONLY DAW CURRENTLY BEING DISTRIBUTED WITHOUT THIS FEATURE.





The field I work in pretty much only requires stereo files, so I never realized Bitwig can’t do this. Very interesting. I 100% support this.

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Dope I appreciate you NeonAutumn, I really like the workflow in bitwig, I hope they add this soon!

Why not just script SoX or ffmpeg to go through your export folder and discard all the second streams in wavs?

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Because as I wrote in the post, I am not a software engineer, so I don’t script, I instead purchase software that is supposed to do what I need it to, hopefully. Like a larger percent of bitwigs customers most likely. And also because not every stereo file I work with is balanced, I would end up just losing part of the data. Thanks for trying to help!

Bitwish tells me this is your first post, I’m honored it was in support of my request, thank you!

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Ha, yeah. I’ve been lurking for a while. Happy to be a part of it.

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This feature is definitely missing!! Maybe even in the export-window. Add one MONON button. Easy. Please!

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