MIDI capture

Ive been using Rewind for 4+ months, and its been long updated to the point where you no longer have to enable/disable “stretch on import” to get proper exported loops. I personally worked with the dev to beta test a couple patches on this exact subject, and it was fixed months ago. Smart drag/force to loop solves those issues.

The lack of native retrospective in Bitwig caused me to look around for a 3rd party solution, and imo Rewind is the best out there. 90 minute rolling buffer, auto restart/autostart, gated recording from 1 second, record all audio and midi at the same time, etc. If the Bitwig dev does eventually make a native solution, it has stiff competition lol.

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Has anyone tried Midi Cap? It seems to cover this wish… The free version records the last 60 seconds and the paid one costs only $14 USD. Moss featured it yesterday in an uodate about CLAP plugins.
