Array modulators

here’s additional mockup how it could work

I might went a bit overboard adding seen number for Dice here, which you might confuse with indexes, but you would assign array size in inspector panel for Array type module (or potentially any module/modulator, where no size means it’s regular module and increasing array size will stack it). Then when you apply array modulator somewhere you get this index value on the mapping in inspector panel. Perhaps it would be useful to also be able to set something like ‘average, min, max’ instead as index, or we could use separate Array processor modulator to do this (so it would accept all indexes and then spit out one average/min/max value or any other modes that could be useful, like for instance accept array and output sorted array).

Let’s say you have one Random modulator, then multiply it by 5. you want same random value on 2-3 values and 4 unique random values for other parameters, so you address corresponding indexes when mapping it. then you can also make Macro and map it to Random parameters and then choose either All indexes on the mapping panel, or specific index, therefore your unique instances of same Random can be differentiated this way. Or you could just use separate Random modulator if you want it to have different settings for something.

The ‘Get value’ module on mockup have a dial to select index and output it’s value

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